Tonight’s GOP Senate Forum Will Make the Messiest Primary in the Country Even Messier
November 11, 2021
Columbus, OH — Today, three of the five members of the “Foul Five” will meet at the Ohio Press Network GOP Senate forum in Columbus. And just because Vance and Timken won’t be there does not mean the forum will be any less nasty.
In fact, it could mean tonight’s forum is even nastier. When Vance was absent from GOP events in the past, Mandel put together a shoebox with Vance’s face on it that reads “Never Trumper J.D. Vance” in his place. Yikes.
The GOP Senate candidates will meet following two pro-Mandel Super PACs launching a cumulative $1 million ad buy attacking J.D. Vance. The ads highlight Vance’s own words calling Trump an “idiot,” “reprehensible,” and “noxious.” The latest ad lambasts Vance for calling himself a “flip-flopping flipper” to describe how he changed his position on Trump.
And we know that all these attacks come at the expense of the issues Ohioans care about, like meaningful investments in infrastructure, efforts most of these candidates have opposed at every turn. Ohioans are looking for candidates who are on their side, and this lot isn’t it.
“While Democrats are keeping their promises by investing in infrastructure and creating good-paying jobs, Ohio Republicans have focused on petty feuds that do nothing to help working families get ahead. Every forum and debate continues to highlight the deeply personal divisions that make the messiest primary in the country even messier,” said Michael Beyer, a spokesperson for the Ohio Democratic Party.