Rob Portman Attacks The GOP #OHSEN Field For Putting Politics Over The Needs of Ohioans
October 5, 2021
Columbus, OH — After all the leading candidates in the Ohio Republican Senate primary opposed the bipartisan infrastructure bill that Senator Rob Portman – the senator they are vying to replace – helped to negotiate, Portman today took a shot when asked about their stance, saying, “politics… tends to overshadow the substance.”
In a new interview with Spectrum News, Portman touted the benefits of the bipartisan infrastructure bill for Ohio and chided the GOP Senate field, saying, “unfortunately, some have decided on a political basis that they can’t support it. But they’re not talking about the substance.”
This follows a report last week that only one of the GOP Senate candidates would even think about accepting Portman’s endorsement, which is a far different approach than the field’s single-minded effort to chase Trump’s endorsement. The gap between the GOP Senate candidates and Rob Portman continues to grow and will continue to spotlight just how divided Republicans really are headed into next year’s election.
“Even Rob Portman has noticed all of the leading GOP Senate candidates to replace him have put politics ahead of creating jobs and building roads and bridges in Ohio. As these out-of-touch millionaires focus on their own petty and short-sighted feuds, it’s clear this out-of-control primary will remain a race to the bottom with Ohioans and their interests getting left behind,” said Michael Beyer, a spokesperson for the Ohio Democratic Party.