Ohio Democratic Party Brings “Democrats Deliver” Tour To Steubenville As Democrats Fight for Working Families in Rural Ohio
September 10, 2021
Steubenville, OH — Today, Ohio Democratic Party Chair Elizabeth Walters and the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) hosted a press conference at the Jefferson County Democratic Party with local leaders and local labor leaders. The press event in Steubenville was the latest stop on ODP’s ‘Democrats Deliver’ tour, which will make stops in rural communities across the state this week to outline the ways Democrats are delivering for working families in every corner of Ohio as Republicans oppose these efforts every step of the way.
“We’re here today to talk about all the success we’ve already seen under Democratic leadership, especially in communities like Steubenville that have too long been left behind by Columbus and Washington. While Democrats are laser focused on creating opportunities for working families, GOP politicians in Columbus and Washington remain focused only on helping the wealthy and well-connected,” said Chair Walters.
“We know that infrastructure investments will create good-paying jobs for local workers. Better broadband will better connect us to our loved ones. And a middle-class tax cut will put more money into our local economy to support our small businesses. We’re fighting for voters and working every day to show them that Ohio Democrats are on their side,” said Jefferson County Commissioner Graham.
“We know we’re not out of the woods yet, but thanks to Democratic leadership, Steubenville and rural communities across Ohio are on the road to recovery,” said Jefferson County Democratic Party Vice Chair Eileen Krupinski.
Thanks to Ohio Democrats, the American Rescue Plan is helping rural Ohio to recover from the pandemic and rebuild their economies. Every Ohio Republican in Congress and running for Senate would have voted against the American Rescue Plan, which included $1,400 checks for most Ohioans, a massive tax credit to help working families raise their children, and funding millions of dollars for rural health centers.
And while Ohio Republicans have been too busy defending their political careers to care about rural Ohio, Democrats have been laser-focused on delivering much-needed infrastructure investments to improve our roads, bridges, water pipes, and high-speed internet.
The infrastructure proposal would create jobs for communities across the state like Fremont and includes critical investments for Ohio, including:
- $9.2 billion for federal-aid highway apportioned programs and $483 million for bridge replacement and repairs
- $1.2 billion over five years to improve public transportation options across the state.
- $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across the state, which would improve access to the at least 259,000 Ohioans who currently lack it.
And Ohio Democrats will continue fighting like hell for rural communities, pursuing economic policies that put Ohio workers first, even as Republicans leave them behind.