Mike DeWine Embarrasses Himself as He Leaves Ohio’s Problems Behind to take a Political Field Trip to Texas
October 7, 2021
Columbus, OH — According to Governor Mike DeWine, the largest problem in Ohio this week isn’t even in Ohio. Instead of taking time to do the job he was elected to do and help taxpayers here at home, DeWine left Ohio’s problems behind Wednesday as he headed south to the U.S-Mexico border. It’s an embarrassing political stunt for DeWine, who is doing his best Josh Mandel impression because he’s scared of a primary challenge from a candidate who managed to lose two statewide elections in 2018.
DeWine spent more time in Texas this week pandering to the GOP base than he did looking out for Ohioans. And thanks to his lack of leadership, there are plenty of problems back home in Ohio he should be dealing with, from gerrymandered maps that DeWine voted in favor of, to his son’s refusal to recuse himself from the Supreme Court case involving DeWine’s decision to vote for an unconstitutional map to his own party’s never-ending efforts to pass a bill that handcuffs Ohio businesses and makes Ohioans less healthy and safe from the COVID-19 pandemic.
“Mike DeWine’s embarrassing political stunt drags him down to a humiliating level of depravity we’ve come to expect from desperate candidates like Josh Mandel and J.D. Vance. Instead of dealing with the very real issues facing Ohio at home, DeWine is playing politics at the border to placate Republicans who won’t vote for him anyway. It’s a sad end to DeWine’s career,” said Matt Keyes, spokesperson for the Ohio Democratic Party.