BAD NEWS BERNIE: Moreno Faces Scrutiny For Record “Stiffing Workers” & Failing To Disclose New Car Dealership Business
October 11, 2024
Columbus, OH – It’s been nothing but bad news for Bernie Moreno as he continues to face scrutiny for his record “stiffing workers” and unreported public records show that he failed to disclose the businesses associated with his new car dealership. Plus, recent reporting exposed that Bernie Moreno wants the Department of Education to be “eliminated” and his campaign and affiliated committees accepted $46,000 in contributions from Betsy DeVos and her family.
- Bernie Moreno continues to face scrutiny for his record “stiffing workers” and “destroy[ing] evidence” to get out of paying his employees the wages they earned.
- Over 1,200 women penned a letter to Bernie Moreno speaking out against his recent comments “mocking” Ohio women and his support for a national abortion ban that will overturn the will of Ohioans who voted to protect abortion rights last year.
- Unreported public records show that Moreno failed to disclose the businesses associated with his new car dealership on his personal financial disclosure for years despite being required by law to do so.
- Bernie Moreno wants the Department of Education to be “eliminated” by 2025 if he is elected to office, and his campaign and affiliated committees accepted $46,000 in contributions from Betsy DeVos and her family.
💰 CAR DEALER OUT FOR HIMSELF: Bernie Moreno’s record of looking out for himself remains on full display: from “stiffing workers” and “destroy[ing] evidence” to get out of paying his employees the wages they earned to facing multiple lawsuits for mistreating his employees. Read more from WKYC here:
- WKYC: “During the course of the campaign, Moreno has dealt with several questions about his past business dealings.”
- WKYC: “In January 2024, the Associated Press reported that three discrimination suits were filed against Moreno in Cuyahoga County between 2015 and 2017.”
- WKYC: “Also in January 2024, Moreno discussed the outcome of a Massachusetts lawsuit that he lost related to overtime wage theft on a radio show. In 3News’ VERIFY series, Stephanie Haney showed that Moreno’s claims that the Massachusetts Supreme Court overturned federal law were false.”
- WKYC: “The Ohio Capital Journal also found an additional wage theft lawsuit was filed against Moreno by a former employee.”
🚫 NO ONE’S LAUGHING, BERNIE: After over 1,200 women penned a letter to Bernie Moreno speaking out against his recent comments “mocking” Ohio women for caring about a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions, Ohioans are reading that Moreno is “unfit” for the Senate because he supports a national abortion ban that will overturn the will of Ohioans who voted to protect abortion rights last year.
🚘 FAILURE TO DISCLOSE: After NBC News caught Bernie Moreno “preparing a return to the auto industry,” unreported public records show that Moreno actually failed to disclose the businesses associated with his new car dealership on his personal financial disclosure for years despite being required by law to do so – the latest in Moreno’s lies about his new car dealership.
- *NEW* Moreno was required to disclose his ownership of M20 Motors, LLC and M20 Realty, LLC – the two businesses associated with his new car dealership – on his 2023 personal financial disclosure but failed to do so. Despite registering these businesses in June 2022, he hid them from Ohioans for years.
- Moreno lied to Ohioans over and over again that he “sold off all of his businesses to avoid conflicts of interest” while taking steps to open a new car dealership. Reports show that Moreno is spending nearly $50 million – $9.5 million on land in Delaware County and $40 million in financing – to open a new Mercedes-Benz dealership.
- Moreno continues to be “under scrutiny” for “re-launch[ing] his family’s high-end car sales business” and lying to Ohioans “for more than a year that he sold off business interests.”
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🎒 MORENO SEEKS TO ELIMINATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION: New reporting from Heartland Signal revealed Bernie Moreno wants the Department of Education to be “eliminated” by 2025 if he is elected to office, and his campaign and affiliated committees accepted $46,000 in contributions from Betsy DeVos and her family – DeVos is “on record saying that she thought ‘the Department of Education should not exist.’”
- Heartland Signal: “[Moreno stated] the hope was that the Department of Education would be “eliminated” by 2025.”
- Statehouse News Bureau: “[Moreno’s campaign] did not address a question about whether Moreno would vote for a national abortion ban if it were to come before him.”
- Jenny Conrad of Mt. Orab, Statehouse News Bureau: “I was insulted by Bernie Moreno’s comment about people over 50, women over 50, being just a little crazy. I’m a 72 year-old-woman and of course I’m concerned about womens’ reproductive issues. I’ve got daughters, I’ve got sisters, I’ve got nieces, I’ve got friends, all who I care about… I care about their right to be able to make their own health care decisions.”
- Jezebel: “Last year, Ohio voters decisively passed a ballot measure to restore abortion rights in the state… So, you have to wonder why Moreno thought it wise to call the many women who supported this ballot measure ‘a little crazy’…”
- Thomas W. Billing of Springfield, The Columbus Dispatch: “I would like to advise the 57% of Ohioans who voted for abortion rights that Bernie Moreno would work for a national abortion ban and that would override the state issue we passed.”
- WCMH: “Moreno’s image is underwater, with 37% favorable and 46% unfavorable.”
- Signal Cleveland: “In a 2022 interview, Moreno described himself as ‘absolute pro-life, no exceptions.’”
- Sarah Kolick, The Columbus Dispatch: “[Women] are sick and tired of conservative politicians like Bernie Moreno telling us how we should live our lives.”
- The Columbus Dispatch: “Moreno also faced criticism after NBC News reported that he bought a $9.5 million parcel of land in Delaware County north of Columbus for a new Mercedes-Benz dealership. Moreno signed a $40 million mortgage agreement for the property… the purchase came after Moreno repeatedly said he sold off his businesses to focus on the Senate race and avoid potential conflicts of interest.”
🎶 CODA: “Ohio women do not trust Bernie Moreno.”