Will Mike DeWine ‘Do Something’ and Veto Dangerous Legislation that Makes Ohioans and Law Enforcement Officers Less Safe?
March 3, 2022
For Immediate Release:
Thursday, March 3, 2022
Columbus, OH — Following passage of extreme legislation that would put Ohioans and law enforcement at risk of increased gun violence, Mike DeWine needs to decide if he’ll keep his promises to ‘do something’ and veto this dangerous bill or cave once again to radicals in his own party.
After a tragic mass shooting in Dayton in 2019, Mike DeWine promised Ohioans that he would ‘do something’ to address the threat of gun violence. Now, DeWine has an opportunity to do just that and veto this dangerous bill.
“Mike DeWine has a choice to make: Will he stand with Ohio families and law enforcement officers, or will he cave once again to extremists in the legislature? DeWine has an opportunity to lead here, but he’s shown time and again he’s too weak to stand up to his own party and do the right thing. We’re calling on DeWine to put Ohioans above politics and keep his promises. There’s a first time for everything,” said Ohio Democratic Party spokesperson Matt Keyes.
Senate Bill 215, known as Ohio’s permitless carry bill, would allow anyone over 21 to carry a concealed weapon without a permit, ultimately avoiding a background check in the process. The legislation has been widely opposed by groups across Ohio, including the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police, the Ohio Mayors Alliance and many others.
As WEWS-TV reports, Michael Weinman, Director of Government Affairs for the Ohio Fraternal Order of Police testified: “The [Fraternal Order of Police of Ohio] strongly opposes substitute senate bill 215. We feel the changes in the bill create a threat for officer safety.”