The Contrast in the #OHGov Race Couldn’t Be Clearer When It Comes to Protecting Reproductive Rights
July 5, 2022

For Immediate Release:
Tuesday, July 5, 2022
Columbus, OH — After the Supreme Court ruled to strip reproductive rights from millions of women across the country, Ohio is now poised to be one of the most radical states in the country when it comes to anti-abortion laws. The contrast in this race couldn’t be clearer: Nan is fighting every day to protect the right to choose and abortion rights in this state. Mike DeWine is fighting every day to rip them away.
DeWine has said he would “go as far as we can” to attack women’s reproductive rights in Ohio, proved by his signature on an executive order to instate the six-week abortion bill just hours after the Supreme Court ruling. DeWine has said he is ready to sign radical legislation into law after the Supreme Court ruled, including a ban that would make no exception for rape or incest. DeWine fought to defund Planned Parenthood and pushed for the closure of clinics around the state. He also voted to prohibit military women and female military dependents from obtaining privately-funded abortions on overseas military bases.
Meanwhile, Nan Whaley just this week announced that, as Governor, she would support and help pass a ballot initiative to codify the protections afforded by Roe v. Wade into the Ohio Constitution. Whaley has also pledged to veto any anti-choice legislation that reaches her desk and appoint a pro-choice director of the Ohio Department of Public Health.
Nan also has a proven track record on choice issues: When she was Mayor, she led the fight against Ohio’s medically unnecessary transfer agreement that threatened to shutter a regional women’s medical center. Her strong record on choice is why groups like Pro-Choice Ohio, Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, EMILY’s List and the Ohio Democratic Women’s Legislative Caucus have all endorsed her.
“The contrast in the Ohio governor’s race on a woman’s right to choose could not be more clear: Nan Whaley is doing all she can to protect reproductive rights while Mike DeWine is doing all he can to strip them away. Ohio deserves a governor who takes a stand. Ohio needs a leader, not a coward. Ohio deserves Nan Whaley,” said Matt Keyes, spokesperson for the Ohio Democratic Party.