Ohio Democratic Party Congratulates State Legislative and Central Committee Candidates on Winning Primary Elections
August 2, 2022
Columbus, OH — Tonight, Ohio Democratic Party Chair Elizabeth Walters issued the following statement congratulating Democratic state House, Senate and Central Committee candidates who won their primary elections.
“Congratulations to all of our state legislative and central committee candidates on their election victories tonight. With our full slate now complete, Ohio Democrats are ready to show voters we’re on their side. We’ll be showing up in every corner of the state to show Ohioans the contrast between Ohio Democrats who are laser-focused on looking out for working families and Republicans who are only looking out for themselves and their wealthy and well-connected friends,” said Chair Walters.
“It’s also important to note that this second primary should never have taken place. Had Ohio Republicans done their job and passed fair maps, Ohioans wouldn’t be on the hook for tens of millions of dollars and a second confusing, chaotic primary could have been avoided. We look forward to holding these Republicans accountable come November,” continued Walters.