Ohio Democratic Party Congratulates Judicial and Statewide Candidates on Winning Primary Elections
May 3, 2022
For Immediate Release
Tuesday, May 3, 2022
Ohio Democratic Party Congratulates Judicial and Statewide Candidates on Winning Primary Elections
Strong, Diverse Ticket Ready to Show Ohioans that Democrats are on Their Side
Columbus, OH — Tonight, Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) Chair Elizabeth Walters released the following statement congratulating the Democratic slate of Ohio Supreme Court and statewide candidates who won their primary elections.
“Congratulations to all of our statewide candidates on tonight’s election victories. Ohio Democrats – with our strong, diverse slate of candidates – are ready to show Ohio voters we’re on their side. While Republicans are making Ohioans pay too high a price for their ongoing corruption and incompetence, Ohio Democrats are offering a better way forward: investing in Ohio workers. We’re not taking any voter for granted, and we’re excited to hit the ground running, travel the state and offer Ohioans a better way forward,” said Chair Walters.
Learn more about the candidates here:
- Jennifer Brunner, candidate for Chief Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court
- Terri Jamison, candidate for Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court
- Marilyn Zayas, candidate for Justice of the Ohio Supreme Court
- Jeff Crossman, candidate for Attorney General
- Taylor Sappington, candidate for State Auditor
- Chelsea Clark, candidate for Secretary of State
- Scott Schertzer, candidate for State Treasurer
During the months ahead, Ohio Democrats will continue to show Ohio voters that our candidates are laser-focused on the issues that matter to working families, in contrast to Republicans who are embroiled in the largest corruption scandal in state history and only looking out for themselves and their special interest friends.