Instead Of Defending His Comment That Women Should Stay In “Violent” Marriages, J.D. Vance Sent A Fraudulent Grifter From His Sham Opioid Non-Profit
July 29, 2022
No Wonder J.D. Vance’s Sham Non-Profit Paid Jai Chabria The Big Bucks
Columbus, OH – Despite doubling down on his horrific belief that women should stay in “violent” marriages, J.D. Vance knows his comments are indefensible, which is why he sent a grifter from his sham opioid non-profit to do cleanup duty on Cleveland TV yesterday.
Yesterday morning, J.D. Vance went on the Brandon Boxer Show and said (at 10:11), “And I think it’s disgusting for him to use this smear against me that the point I made is a very simple point, and I completely stand by it. Divorce, I think that our society’s approach to divorce has not been good for kids…That the whole point was the progressives say that we have the divorce because of domestic violence. And my point is, domestic violence is way worse outside of marriages than it is within marriage.” (FALSE.)
Later in the day, rather than take another opportunity to dig his hole even deeper, Vance chose to hide from News 5 Cleveland’s Morgan Trau, sending out campaign adviser Jai Chabria to do cleanup duty in his place. In Chabria’s appearance, he claimed that the media have twisted Vance’s words (despite Vance’s comments being published in full), which contradicts what Vance said hours before that he “completely stand(s) by” his dangerous remarks.
Chabria’s appearance is also a reminder of the unresolved questions that continue to dog Vance surrounding his sham non-profit, which Vance said was meant to help combat the opioid crisis but which only ever served to promote Vance himself. Chabria received over $60,000 in payments in the first year after the organization was founded, far and away the single biggest line item and much more than it ever spent on programs to fight the opioid epidemic. Chabria has also refused to answer whether Vance used his non-profit to conduct political polling – after reporting revealed that around the same time Vance had “commissioned a poll testing his viability in the Republican primaries for governor and Senate.”
It’s no wonder Chabria gets paid the big bucks – he’s lied and grifted alongside Vance for years.
“J.D. Vance can’t defend his comments that women in violent marriages should put themselves in danger, so he hid behind a political crony who used Ohio’s opioid epidemic to enrich himself instead. J.D. Vance is no better than the company he keeps, and he should be ashamed of himself for sending in a fraudulent grifter to speak on his behalf instead of explaining to Ohioans why he thinks women should stay in ‘violent’ marriages,” said Michael Beyer, a spokesperson for the Ohio Democratic Party.