Frank LaWhoops: Three Strikes, You’re Out
June 26, 2023
Columbus, OH – Frank LaWhoops is striking out after making his third big time “screw up” last week which could cost Ohioans hundreds of thousands of dollars.
More on Frank LaWhoops’ strikeout:
- First, Frank LaWhoops has been criticized by Ohioans across the state – including elections workers – for weeks for “lying” about State Issue 1 and following special interests’ “marching orders.”
- Then, LaWhoops was ordered by the State Supreme Court to rewrite misleading ballot language.
- And last week, LaWhoops sent the wrong ballot language to county Boards of Elections for the August special election days before ballots needed to be printed and sent to military members and overseas voters – causing election officials to “scramble” and potentially costing Ohio taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
After dodging questions, LaWhoops still must answer: How much exactly is his latest mistake costing Ohioans?