Frank LaRose Tosses Shame to the Side to Campaign with J.R. Majewski
October 7, 2022
Columbus, OH — Frank LaRose has decided to put his arms around J.R. Majewski tomorrow, a candidate who has lied time and again both about his military service and the 2020 election. It’s a shameful look from Ohio’s secretary of state, but LaRose has chosen to toss shame to the side to beef up his MAGA credentials so he can run for Senate in two years.
LaRose, who just announced a new department focused on ‘election integrity,’ is campaigning for a candidate who was at the Capitol on January 6 and has suggested that Ohio secede from the United States.
LaRose is also embracing J.R. after he lied about his service record. Majewski has misrepresented his service in Afghanistan, campaigning as an “Afghanistan War Veteran” when there’s no evidence Majewski was ever deployed to Afghanistan, and lying about the reason he was demoted, claiming it was a brawl, when really it was because of drunk driving.
All LaRose has to say for himself? “I talk to J.R. frequently and I consider him a friend. He’s a fellow veteran. It’s up to him to sort of bring the facts to light about his military service.”
“Frank LaRose is incapable of shame. In the same week he announces a phony ‘election integrity’ initiative funded by taxpayers, he puts his arm around an election denier. Worse yet, he’s campaigning next to a candidate who lied about his military service. All of this because Frank LaRose wants to run for Senate in two years and needs to beef up his credentials with MAGA Republicans. Frank is a fraud,” said Ohio Democratic Party spokesperson Matt Keyes.