Frank LaRose “Intentionally Misleading” Ohioans, Trying to Overrule Voters
September 19, 2023
LaRose Rewrote Amendment Using “Inaccurate and Inflammatory”Language After Voters Rejected His Efforts to Silence Their Voice
LaRose – Who Is Running for Senate – Supports A National Abortion Ban
Columbus, OH – The “twisted” and “intentionally misleading” language that Frank LaRose wrote to silence Ohioans and make it harder for voters to protect abortion rights will appear on ballots this November.
LaRose – who has been called out for “hav[ing] his thumb on the scale of fairness” – has already said that if the November amendment passes, he would again overrule the majority of Ohioans who support protecting reproductive rights by voting for a national abortion ban if elected to the Senate.
“If Frank LaRose cared about respecting the will of Ohioans, he would not try to intentionally mislead them with confusing and inaccurate ballot language, and he wouldn’t promise to impose a national abortion ban voters don’t support,” said ODP spokesperson Reeves Oyster. “Frank LaRose isn’t working for Ohioans and has proved he’ll do whatever it takes to support his own political ambitions.”
Read and watch more on LaRose’s efforts to mislead and overrule Ohioans:
Frank LaRose: “But as I told you, I’m pro-life and if a pro-life measure comes before the Senate, then I would vote as a pro-life American.” Editorial: LaRose’s “Loaded Language” An Attempt To “Have His Thumb On The Scale”
Editorial Board
September 8, 2023
- Republicans on the Ballot Board, led by Secretary of State Frank LaRose made the changes last month, inserting phrases that backers of the abortion rights amendment – formally known as The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety amendment — say amount to propaganda.
- The issue’s supporters say the Ballot Board summary is intentionally misleading and fails to meet the standards required by Ohio law.
- At the least, it’s an attempt by LaRose to have his thumb on the scale of fairness – again. That behavior was on full display ahead of the August vote on a proposed constitutional amendment that would have made it harder, if not impossible, for citizens to amend their state constitution.
- Ohio voters saw through that deception, trouncing that Issue 1 at the polls. LaRose was clear that he had viewed the issue as a way to thwart attempts to enshrine abortion rights. A candidate for the U.S. Senate, he sought donations totaling millions of dollars from his GOP Senate rivals in support of the issue.
- In his Senate campaign materials now, LaRose touts his anti-abortion stance as part of his platform, bragging that he is the only candidate with a 100% voting record against abortion rights. That’s why it’s no surprise loaded language was inserted into the summary for November’s Issue 1 on abortion and reproductive rights.
Huffington Post: Ohio Republicans Twist Ballot Language For Pro-Choice Provision In Likely Attempt To Confuse Voters
Alanna Vagianos
August 25, 2023
- In November, voters will consider a ballot initiative that seeks to enshrine abortion rights and other reproductive freedoms into Ohio’s Constitution. But the five-member Ohio Ballot Board, led by anti-choice advocate and Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose, on Thursday approved anti-choice language to be used in the initiative, which may confuse voters.
- “Secretary of State Frank LaRose today exploited the Ohio Ballot Board process in a last-ditch effort to deceive and confuse Ohio voters ahead of the November vote on reproductive freedom,” Ohioans United for Reproductive Rights, one of the main groups advocating for the amendment, said in a press release on Thursday.
- LaRose gave the deciding vote to approve the language in a 3-2 final vote. The Ohio secretary of state was a vocal advocate for the August ballot measure, Issue 1 ― an initiative to raise the threshold for altering the state constitution from a simple statewide majority vote to 60%. Although a simple majority has been the standard in Ohio for over 100 years, anti-abortion advocates in the state called for a special election to raise the vote threshold in a preemptive attempt to block the pro-choice constitutional amendment.
WVXU: “Left With Egg on His Face,” LaRose Okayed “Misleading, Inaccurate” Ballot Language
Howard Wilkinson
August 30, 2023
- In the Aug. 8 special election, Frank LaRose, Ohio’s Republican secretary of state, was told in no uncertain terms that voters had no use for his plan to raise the bar for passing constitutional amendments to 60%.
- Issue 1 failed miserably; and was clearly aimed at making it harder for abortion rights advocates to pass the reproductive rights amendment on the November ballot, which would write access to abortion into the Ohio Constitution.
- LaRose was left with egg on his face.
- But the secretary of state/U.S. Senate candidate wasn’t done.
- Now, the Republican majority of his five-member Ohio Ballot Board — chaired by LaRose and tasked with the job of approving ballot language — stands accused of trying to stack the deck against the abortion rights amendment by inserting what abortion rights groups call misleading, inaccurate and inflammatory language into what should be a simple statement of fact.