Frank LaRose Intentionally Hides Finances from Ohioans
November 15, 2023
LaRose’s Failure To Meet Yesterday’s Disclosure Deadline Follows Him Dodging Questions About Self-Funding $250,000 While Claiming To Be A “Thousandaire”
Columbus, OH – Frank LaRose, whose day job is to oversee campaign finance compliance in Ohio, is under fire today for intentionally hiding his finances from Ohioans after failing to file his financial disclosure form to the U.S. Senate Ethics Committee by yesterday’s deadline. LaRose’s decision to hide from Ohioans follows him dodging questions for weeks after self-funding $250,000 while claiming to be the only “thousandaire” in the #OHSEN Slugfest.
Read more about Frank LaRose intentionally hiding his finances from Ohioans: ‘Thousandaire’ Frank LaRose waiting to file financial disclosure as deadline passes
Andrew Tobias
November 15, 2023
- Secretary of State Frank LaRose has gently mocked his wealthy opponents in March’s Republican Senate primary election by referring to himself as a humble “thousandaire.”
- But the public will have to wait for details that could shed more light on LaRose’s financial situation, as a federal deadline for a mandatory financial disclosure passed Tuesday without a report from LaRose.
- Separate August filings from Dolan and Moreno detailed how each is worth tens of millions of dollars, and showed how Dolan, whose family owns the Cleveland Guardians, received an unusually low-interest loan that’s financed his campaign through a financial maneuver available to wealthy Americans with extensive investment holdings.
- LaRose, meanwhile, has used the filings to contrast himself with his opponents, painting himself as more financially in touch with everyday Ohioans.
- So when LaRose loaned his campaign $250,000 last month, Moreno questioned whether LaRose was lying about his financial situation. Or, alternatively, Moreno’s campaign posited: “did he just not care about anything except advancing his own political career?”