Frank LaRose Dodges Questions on Special Elections
March 24, 2023
Columbus, OH – Frank LaRose, who once called August special elections “unnecessary,” and said they “aren’t good for taxpayers, election officials, voters or the civic health of our state,” is now dodging questions on the political maneuvering by his fellow Republicans in the statehouse.
Statehouse GOP leaders are pulling all the political levers they have in order to effectively kill citizen-led ballot initiatives in Ohio, including by holding an August special election they once opposed. LaRose, the “front man” for the anti-voter initiative who spoke out against special elections in August just last year, is suddenly at a loss for words when it comes to opposing an August election to roll back the rights of Ohio voters.
“When the going gets tough, Frank LaRose goes silent. LaRose – Ohio’s top elections official – can’t hide behind his spokesman’s non-answer as statehouse Republicans try to manipulate Ohio’s election schedule to take voters’ power away from them. Frank is a profile in cowardice and should give Ohioans a straight answer on whether he supports or opposes an August special election,” said Matt Keyes, spokesperson for the Ohio Democratic Party.
Testifying about August special elections in 2020, LaRose pointed to low turnout in counties around the state and said: “That means just a handful of voters end up making big decisions. The side that wins is often the one that has a vested interest in the passage of the issue up for consideration. This isn’t how democracy is supposed to work.”
Three years late, see LaRose dodge, dive, dip and duck any questions on the proposed August special election below:
