Editorial Board Slams Bernie Moreno For “Worsen[ing] The Problem” By Opposing Bipartisan Border Security Bill
February 17, 2024
Ironton Tribune: “If Moreno Truly Wants To Tackle The Border, Then Perhaps He Should Demonstrate A More Serious Approach, Rather Than Nonstop Opposition, Negative Campaigning And A Lack Of Workable Solutions.”
Columbus, OH – The Ironton Tribune Editorial Board today slammed Bernie Moreno for opposing the bipartisan border security bill – telling Moreno to “demonstrate a more serious approach” instead of “nonstop opposition” and “a lack of workable solutions” that would only “worsen [the] problem.”
Moreno has faced particular scrutiny for opposing the bipartisan border security bill – which was backed by border patrol agents, called “the most conservative border bill in decades,” and included the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, “key legislation” with bipartisan support to combat the opioid crisis in Ohio.
Read more:
Ironton Tribune: EDITORIAL: Moreno not constructive on immigration bill
Editorial Board
February 17, 2024
- Businessman Bernie Moreno topped the knee-jerk statements of opposition in announcing that he opposed the legislation, before the full text of the bill even came out. Moreno has also called the legislation “an abomination,” “370 pages of garbage” and “a total and complete disgrace.”
- This is a rather blanket dismissal of a package that includes key legislation that a bipartisan group has advocated for to help combat the opioid crisis that has plagued Ohio these past several years.
- The FEND Off Fentanyl Act, included in the legislation, is a package of sanctions and anti-money laundering laws which would target illegal fentanyl suppliers in China who transport the drug into the U.S. via Mexico.
- The epidemic has impacted nearly everyone in the state (and especially here in Lawrence County) – with most people knowing a family member, friend or associate who has fought addiction.
- Does Moreno include these measures, crafted, in part by his fellow Republican Tim Scott, to be the “garbage” he claimed the bill was composed of?
- Moreno has shown that he has little interest in any bipartisanship, stating he has no interest in working with the other party, if elected.
- If Moreno truly wants to tackle the border, then perhaps he should demonstrate a more serious approach, rather than nonstop opposition, negative campaigning and a lack of workable solutions.
- Moreno’s approach to this legislation bodes ill for any hope that he would do anything but worsen that problem on any issue, should he get into office.
SEE ALSO: WHAT OHIOANS ARE READING: Bernie Moreno Under Fire For Opposing Bipartisan Border Bill, Mobile Billboard Highlights Moreno’s Opposition to Border Security Bill, Reminder: As Senate Votes On Border Bill Today, Moreno Is AGAINST Securing The Border; National Border Patrol Council Leader Praises Border Bill, But Moreno Is AGAINST It; Bernie Moreno is AGAINST Strengthening the Border, Don’t Let Him Tell You Otherwise