DeWine Watch 2022 – Day 2
April 14, 2022

For Immediate Release:
Thursday, April 14, 2022
Columbus, OH — Today, the Ohio Democratic Party continues DeWine Watch 2022, as Mike DeWine still has to decide whether to attend Donald Trump’s rally next week in Delaware or not. On the one hand, DeWine is deeply underwater with Republican voters, which makes skipping the rally politically unfeasible. On the other hand, Trump is certainly no fan of DeWine, and even encouraged a primary challenger last year.
DeWine skipped a Trump rally last year, and has yet to announce whether he’ll be at next week’s rally, even though his primary challenger has already confirmed his attendance.
“Mike DeWine is stuck between a rock and a hard place with Donald Trump’s visit to Ohio next week. The question for DeWine is simple: Will he debase himself by showing up to support a guy who called for a primary challenge against him or will a convenient ‘scheduling conflict’ further weaken his support among Republicans?” said Ohio Democratic Party spokesperson Matt Keyes.