As Early Voting in August Special Election Starts, A Quick Look at LaWhoops’ Missteps
July 12, 2023
Columbus, OH – As early voting for the August 8th special election in Ohio begins, here’s a quick look at LaWhoops’ missteps:
- LaWhoops has been at the center of the August special election and has been criticized for “lying” about Issue 1 and following special interests’ “marching orders.”
- LaWhoops approved misleading ballot language that was so confusing the State Supreme Court ordered his office to rewrite it.
- LaWhoops sent the wrong ballot language to all 88 county Boards of Elections just days before ballots needed to be printed and sent to military members and overseas voters – causing election officials to “scramble” and potentially costing Ohio taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
- LaWhoops is suddenly lowering turnout expectations in a special election that could change the State Constitution.
All while Ohioans are calling out LaRose for “campaigning out of his office” and being more focused on his political agenda than doing his job.
“Frank LaWhoops isn’t working for Ohioans and taxpayers are on the hook for his incompetence,” said ODP spokesperson Reeves Oyster. “As early voting begins for the August special election, Ohioans are wondering – what is Frank LaRose really doing for us?”