Moreno Faces Scrutiny As He Doubles Down On “Crystal, Crystal Clear” Support Of National Abortion Ban
July 12, 2024
Columbus, OH – Bernie Moreno is facing scrutiny as he doubles down on his “crystal, crystal clear” support for a national abortion ban, confirming once again he is “100% pro-life with no exceptions” and that he is “absolute pro-life, no exceptions.”
Earlier this week, Moreno said “he still believes in national legislation,” the latest in Moreno’s “well-documented” and repeated support for a national abortion ban that has led Ohio doctors to speak out against Moreno for “car[ing] more about his politics than [Ohioans’] safety.”
Read More About Moreno’s “Crystal, Crystal Clear” And “Well-Documented” Support For A National Abortion Ban:
- David DeWitt, Ohio Capital Journal: “Interesting that Bernie Moreno is asking Ohio to elect him by promising his commitment to overthrow nationally the reproductive rights amendment just passed by 57% of Ohio voters.”
- “Moreno told reporters on Wednesday that he continues to support federal legislation that would ban abortion…”
- WKYC: “Moreno said… he was continuing to advocate for a national legislation position on abortion.”
- Issue 1 Leader Kellie Copeland: “Bernie Moreno has promised to support [a new federal abortion ban].”
- Dr. Nicole King: “He is selfish and ignorant enough to support a national abortion ban that would overturn access to abortion – access that Ohioans overwhelmingly support… Moreno’s support for restrictive bans would subject Ohio women and women across the country to a reality devoid of access to safe reproductive care.”
- Cecile Richards, former president of Planned Parenthood: “Every mainstream Republican candidate running for a seat in the United States Senate would be a vote for a national abortion ban.”
- The Washington Post: “[SBA Pro-Life America] pledged last year that SBA would not endorse any candidate who refused to embrace a national 15-week limit on abortion… [SBA] has endorsed only two Senate candidates in battleground states, Bernie Moreno in Ohio and Tim Sheehy in Montana.”
- Allison Russo, minority Ohio House leader: “[Moreno] called for a national abortion ban that would overrule the will of Ohio voters… Moreno has made it known he will overrule the nearly 2.2 million who voted to protect abortion rights if he is elected to the Senate.”
- Axios Columbus: “A spokesperson said Moreno’s “stance is well-documented” and linked to Moreno’s earlier support for the national abortion ban.”
- NBC: “Businessman Bernie Moreno favors a federal ban… Moreno was also visible in the fight and donated money to the campaign to defeat the ballot measure, known as Issue 1.”
- “[Moreno] expressed interest in passing national abortion legislation… Moreno, as he has throughout his current Senate campaign, called for federal legislation banning abortion’”
- Dayton Daily News: “All three candidates [Moreno] support a federal abortion ban.”