BAD NEWS BERNIE: Ahead Of Dobbs Anniversary, Ohioans “Denounce” Moreno For Supporting National Abortion Ban
June 21, 2024
Columbus, OH – Ahead of the two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson decision, Ohioans are “denouncing” Bernie Moreno’s support for a national abortion ban that would overturn the will of Ohioans who voted overwhelmingly to protect abortion rights last year.
- The upcoming two-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs v. Jackson ruling that overturned Roe v. Wade is a stark reminder that Bernie Moreno supports a national abortion ban and would overturn the will of Ohioans who overwhelmingly voted to protect reproductive rights last year.
- Ohioans continue to hear that Bernie Moreno is “100% against abortion and said that he makes no exception for rape or incest or the life of a mom” and that he opposes guaranteeing a woman’s right to access contraception, including birth control pills, and opposes federal protections for IVF.
- Watch the 30-second digital ad running today that spotlights Bernie Moreno’s support for a national abortion ban with no exceptions here:
❌ A “MONUMENTAL VICTORY”: Bernie Moreno called the Supreme Court’s Dobbs decision which led to Ohio’s dangerous abortion ban a “monumental victory.” Ahead of the upcoming two-year anniversary of the decision, here’s what Ohioans need to know about Bernie Moreno’s support for a national abortion ban:
- Bernie Moreno supports a national abortion ban that would overturn the will of Ohioans who voted overwhelmingly to protect abortion rights last year.
- Moreno said he is “100% pro-life with no exceptions” and that he is “absolute pro-life, no exceptions.”
- Moreno opposes guaranteeing a woman’s right to access contraception, including birth control pills. Moreno opposes federal protections for IVF and called IVF a “non-issue” a week after the Alabama Supreme Court ruling that prompted clinics to halt IVF treatments.
- Moreno voted to ban abortion without exceptions for rape or incest in Ohio last year by voting against Issue 1.
🧑⚕️ BERNIE OPPOSES PROTECTING BIRTH CONTROL: After reporting revealed Bernie Moreno opposes guaranteeing a woman’s right to access contraception, including birth control pills, Ohioans continue to hear that Bernie Moreno’s stance on access to contraceptives is “clearly not what the majority of people in Ohio believe.” Moreno already voted against protecting abortion rights and birth control and IVF access by voting against Issue 1 last year. Listen to Howard Wilkinson from WVXU on Moreno here:
- “According to his campaign press secretary, [Moreno] would have voted against [the Right to Contraception Act] if he had been a Member of the Senate when the vote was taken last week…”
- “Bernie Moreno, a luxury car dealer from Cleveland, was opposed to Issue 1 last fall, at a time when nearly six out of every ten Ohio voters was saying yes to abortion rights and contraception.”
- “He’s also on the record several times saying that he’s 100% against abortion and said that he makes no exception for rape or incest or the life of a mom. And lately he has been saying that, if elected, he would vote for a national abortion ban…Now this is clearly not what the majority of people in Ohio believe in 2024.”
🚫 NATIONAL SPOTLIGHT ON BERNIE’S NATIONAL ABORTION BAN: Moreno’s support for a national abortion ban is getting national attention as The Washington Post highlighted that an organization that pledged to only back candidates who support a national abortion ban has endorsed Bernie Moreno. Moreno has said he would overrule the nearly 2.2 million Ohioans who voted to enshrine access to abortion by voting for Issue 1 last fall.
- Former President of Local 1112 in Lordstown Dave Green: “We need somebody in office that’s going to earn the support of working people… not a car salesman who continues to lie about what he’s doing and how he’s doing it.”
- Tony Totty, president of UAW Local 14: “For [Moreno] to come out now and say that he’s this champion of working-class people—he’s a liar, and we call out liars.”
- Retired educator Linda Taylor: “Bernie Moreno tells lie after lie to Ohio voters to sell us a phony political persona that he thinks will win him votes. It’s clear to me that Bernie Moreno will say whatever he thinks he needs to say to win. He’s a liar and that is not the person Ohioans deserve to represent them.”
- Marty Schalden, Ohio Capital Journal: “Yes, but who should be a co-host of this [Moreno] fundraiser but Tony George, who wasn’t just somebody who was sort of, you know, elliptically involved in the House Bill Six matter. He was in the center of some of these relationships through the whole thing.”
- Mother Jones: “Bernie Moreno built an empire selling luxury vehicles—and stiffing workers.”
🎶 CODA: “If you’re going to lie to people you better think twice. We’re not that ignorant. We can see it coming.”