Featured Issues for Franklin County

Issues for Franklin County

Ohio Dems fought to help pass Issue 1, repealing the extreme abortion ban passed by Republicans.
The Supreme Court abandoned five decades of precedent when the radical justices made a purely political decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. They're supposed to be impartial, but instead chose to make a political ruling to undermine abortion rights, even though 85% of Americans support abortion. Radical Republicans will not stop until they’ve undermined abortion rights both nationally and at the…

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Ohio Dems fight for a state and a country that works for working people and fights for the Dignity of Work.
Democrats are rebuilding an economy that works for everyone. While Republicans are busy protecting the interests of big business, Democrats are focused on American manufacturing and job creation. We’re not losing manufacturing jobs, Democrats are creating them. Green jobs are on track to grow nearly 9% in the next ten years, and we’re revitalizing American manufacturing. By 2030, green jobs ac…

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Ohio Dems helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, lowering prescription drug costs for millions of Ohioans.
By the time you’re ready to retire, you’ve spent around 42 years of your life paying into Social Security and Medicare. Democrats want to make sure you have the retirement you earned. Republicans want to rip it away. Congressional Republicans continue to propose huge cuts to Social Security, yet for many seniors, their Social Security checks barely make ends meet. Unlike Republicans, Democrats…

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Ohio Dems secured $794 million to connect 180,000 homes in Ohio to high-speed internet infrastructure.
As the last few years have shown us, a reliable internet connection is a necessity, not a luxury. We need broadband internet access to work, to attend school, to have access to health care, and stay connected with loved ones. Nearly one out of every five Ohio homes does not have internet access. And in Franklin County, 2% of households don’t have access to high-speed internet. We fought to pass…

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