Ohio Dems fight for a state and a country that works for working people and fights for the Dignity of Work.

Democrats are rebuilding an economy that works for everyone. While Republicans are busy protecting the interests of big business, Democrats are focused on American manufacturing and job creation.

We’re not losing manufacturing jobs, Democrats are creating them. Green jobs are on track to grow nearly 9% in the next ten years, and we’re revitalizing American manufacturing. By 2030, green jobs across the globe are expected to grow to 24 million. We can take advantage of this growing market so American workers will benefit from these new jobs.

Here’s how Democrats deliver to support American manufacturing and job creation:

  • Created more than 170,000 clean energy jobs through the Inflation Reduction Act’s clean energy and climate provisions, with plans to create 1.5 million additional jobs over the next decade.
  • Companies have announced more than $110 billion in new clean energy manufacturing investments, including more than $70 billion in the EV supply chain and more than $10 billion in solar manufacturing.
  • Project developers planned investments worth at least $122 billion across more than 800 clean energy generation projects—including wind, solar, battery storage, nuclear, hydroelectricity, biomass, and geothermal projects—creating more jobs across the country.

Democrats are focused on rebuilding the middle class and bringing manufacturing back to our communities. We’ve already created 642,000 manufacturing jobs since 2021.