Ohio Dems helped pass the Inflation Reduction Act, lowering prescription drug costs for millions of Ohioans.

By the time you’re ready to retire, you’ve spent around 42 years of your life paying into Social Security and Medicare. Democrats want to make sure you have the retirement you earned. Republicans want to rip it away.

Congressional Republicans continue to propose huge cuts to Social Security, yet for many seniors, their Social Security checks barely make ends meet. Unlike Republicans, Democrats are looking out for seniors.

Here’s how Democrats deliver for seniors:

  • Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act, out-of-pocket spending on prescription drugs at the pharmacy will be capped at $2,000 per year for Medicare Part D enrollees starting in 2025. Overall, the law’s Part D benefits provisions will reduce enrollee out-of-pocket spending by about $7.4 billion annually.
  • Saving 19 million seniors and other Medicare beneficiaries an estimated $400 per year in prescription drug costs because of the President’s out-of-pocket spending cap.
  • Capped the cost of insulin at $35 for seniors on Medicare.
  • President Biden vows to veto any legislation that guts Social Security.

Democrats will continue the fight to protect Social Security and Medicare benefits from power-hungry Republicans who want to gut your benefits. You’ve paid your dues, and you deserve to get what you’re owed.